Nordic PEN Language Network established


Nordic PEN Language Network established
Mid-January, a Nordic language network was established, as language representatives of some of the Nordic PEN centers met in the city of Visby on the Swedish island Gotland in the Baltic Sea.

On air
On the International Mother Language Day, February 21, 2025, the creation of the network was made public.

Political basis in different languages
The text for the political basis of the network has now been published in the following languages:

We would like to see the text translated into even more languages. Can you help us?
Read about the network here
The purpose of the network is to highlight and promote multilingualism and linguistic diversity in the Nordic region. The network is a reflection of the existing linguistic diversity.
It is a goal in itself to promote and highlight the network's existence and the relevance of focusing on linguistic diversity and multilingualism in the Nordic region. There are many languages spoken -in the Nordic region.
The network focuses on how they are preserved and how they are strengthened.

Danish PEN
Nordisk PEN Sprognetværk
Formålet med netværket er at synliggøre og fremme flersprogethed og sproglig diversitet i Norden. Netværket er en spejling af den eksisterende sproglige mangfoldighed.
Det er et formål i sig selv at promovere og synliggøre netværkets eksistens og relevansen af at sætte fokus på sproglig diversitet og flersprogethed i Norden. Der er mange sprog i Norden

Finnish PEN
Suomen PEN on mukana uudessa pohjoismaisessa monikielisyysverkostossa
Tänään, kansainvälisenä äidinkielen päivänä, Suomen PEN käynnistää yhdessä useiden muiden pohjoismaisten järjestöjen kanssa monikielisyysverkoston, jonka tavoitteena on tehdä näkyväksi ja edistää kielellistä monimuotoisuutta Pohjoismaissa.

Norwegian PEN
Nytt nordisk nettverk for flerspråklighet
21. februar, på den internasjonale morsmålsdagen, lanserer Norsk PEN og en rekke andre nordiske organisasjoner et Nordisk nettverk for flerspråklighet.

Swedish PEN
Nybildat språknätverk ska bevaka och främja flerspråkighet i Norden
Idag, på internationella modersmålsdagen lanserar Svenska PEN, tillsammans med flera andra nordiska organisationer, Nordiskt nätverk för flerspråkighet med syftet att synliggöra och främja språklig mångfald i Norden.

Nordic PEN Language Network on social media
Bluesky Social -

X / Twitter
Nordic PEN language network - @NordicPEN_sprog

Nordic PEN Language Network established - Blogger
Mid-January, a Nordic language network was established, as language representatives of some of the Nordic PEN centers met in the city of Visby on the Swedish island Gotland in the Baltic Sea.

We would like to see more languages spoken in the Nordic Region included in the network.
If you would like your name and e-mail address to be included in the network mailing list, please let us know.

Yours faithfully,

The founding fathers and mothers


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