
Viser opslag fra november, 2022

Translators on the cover

  Multilingualism & translation report of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) working group of EU Member State experts   This report contains a lot of figures, analysis, suggestions, best practice, case studies, and an abundant number of references, contact data and links. As far as I am informed, it will be published in all official EU-languages. Market figure in Europe “In all countries from which figures were collected in the group, English is the most common language for translation, representing around 54% of total translations, and even widely spoken languages lag far behind English in the number of translated books. On average, French makes up less than 10% of the total number of books translated, followed by German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, and, lastly, the remaining Nordic languages - Danish and Finnish. The other languages that appear on top 10 lists mostly appear in countries of the same region where the language is spoken and/or where cultural si