PEN og FIT om sproglige rettigheder

FIT, the International Federation of Translators, og  International PEN

“The International Federation of Translators (FIT) unites over 130 professional associations, training institutes and research centres worldwide, thus representing more than 85,000 translators, terminologists and interpreters in some 55 countries. On the basis of this strong position, FIT is able to play a significant role in the translation, terminology and interpreting sector and, beyond that, in society as a whole”.

FIT samarbejder med international PEN, Red-T , AIIC, WASLI, Critical Link, IAPTI  og andre organisationer for sprogprofessionelle i en global alliance for at forsvare sprogprofessionelles rettigheder.

Her er de centrale sprogpolitiske erklæringer fra international PEN og FIT. Der er mange andre fra andre organisationer.

The Quebec Declaration on Literary Translation and Translators
The Quebec Declaration on Literary Translation and Translators was adopted at 81st PEN International Congress in October 2015, held in Quebec City. 

PEN’s aim is to ensure that the Declaration can be read in the highest possible number of languages and we hope that other institutions and organisations will adopt its principles and help us to defend and disseminate them. The Quebec Declaration forms part of PEN International’s broad strategy to promote literary creativity and collaboration between cultures. Link.

Read the Quebec Declaration in English, French, Spanish and other languages. Link.

The Quebec Declaration - see the designed folder in pdf-format. Link.

The Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights - PEN International. Link.
The Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee developed the Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights in 2011 as a tool to aid the dissemination and implementation of the UDLR. PEN Centres around the world have assisted in translating it into over 30 languages.The Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee believes that translation is inseparable from linguistic rights and that the work of translators is central to the promotion of the right of all linguistic communities to be treated as equal. PEN is committed to an understanding of translation wherein all literatures, no matter how they are defined, enrich one another.

Developed by the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee, the Girona Manifesto is a ten point document designed to be translated and disseminated widely as a tool to defend linguistic diversity around the world. At PEN International’s 77th annual Congress the PEN General Assembly approved the Manifesto.

PEN members have translated the Manifesto into various languages; we encourage you to translate it into your own and continue raising awareness about the need to protect and promote linguistic diversity.

1. Linguistic diversity is a world heritage that must be valued and protected.
2. Respect for all languages and cultures is fundamental to the process of constructing and maintaining dialogue and peace in the world.
3. All individuals learn to speak in the heart of a community that gives them life, language, culture and identity.
4. Different languages and different ways of speaking are not only means of communication; they are also the milieu in which humans grow and cultures are built.
5. Every linguistic community has the right for its language to be used as an official language in its territory.
6. School instruction must contribute to the prestige of the language spoken by the linguistic community of the territory.
7. It is desirable for citizens to have a general knowledge of various languages, because it favours empathy and intellectual openness, and contributes to a deeper knowledge of one’s own tongue.
8. The translation of texts, especially the great works of various cultures,represents a very important element in the necessary process of greater understanding and respect among human beings.
9. The media is a privileged loudspeaker for making linguistic diversity work and for competently and rigorously increasing its prestige.
10. The right to use and protect one’s own language must be recognized by the United Nations as one of the fundamental human rights.

Read the Girona Manifesto in over thirty languages. Link.

Resolutions - 85th Congress in Manila

The 85th PEN International Congress, Manila, Philippines 2019
Each year at the PEN International Congress, the PEN community passes resolutions on the most urgent developments concerning thematic and country situations in relation to freedom of expression and writers at risk. These resolutions form the basis of PEN’s policy positions on these issues and resolutions are used by our Centres around the world to advocate with their own governments to secure meaningful improvements for the situation of writers around the world.
Resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, meeting at its 85th Congress in Manila, Philippines September 30 - October 4, 2019.

The Nairobi Recommendation - UNESCO
The "Recommendation on the legal protection of Translators and Translations and the practical means to improve the Status of Translators" was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its Nineteenth Session in Nairobi on November 22, 1976.

This was the first document published by an international organization to throw light on the profession of translator and to confront the peoples of all nations with the main problems of this profession. It drew attention to a state of affairs urgently demanding improvement, not only in the interests of the translating profession but also in the interests of international understanding, the spread of culture and the furtherance of science, technical progress and economic growth.

The Recommendation has been issued in several languages. For the Spanish, Russian and Arabic versions, please contact UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, F-75700 Paris, France.

Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/Interpreters and Users of Their Services. 
FIT in partnership with Red T and the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), has drafted a Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/Interpreters and Users of Their Services. This document outlines the basic rights, responsibilities, and practices recommended by the three organizations. It applies to translators and interpreters serving as field linguists for the armed forces, journalists, NGOs and other organizations in conflict zones and other high-risk settings: EnglishFrenchArabicDutchDariGermanHebrewPashtoSpanishNorwegianSwedishRussianItalianBelarusianFinnishTurkish

FIT Translator's Charter
(approved by the Congress at Dubrovnik in 1963, and amended in Oslo on July 9, 1994)

The International Federation of Translators
that translation has established itself as a permanent, universal and necessary activity in the world of today that by making intellectual and material exchanges possible among nations it enriches their life and contributes to a better understanding amongst men

that in spite of the various circumstances under which it is practised translation must now be recognized as a distinct and autonomous profession and
to lay down, as a formal document, certain general principles inseparably connected with the profession of translating, particularly for the purpose of
- stressing the social function of translation,
- laying down the rights and duties of translators,
- laying the basis of a translator's code of ethics,
- improving the economic conditions and social climate in which the translator carries out his activity, and
- recommending certain lines of conduct for translators and their professional organizations, and to contribute in this wa y to the recognition of translation as a distinct and autonomous profession,

announces the text of a charter proposed to serve as guiding principles for the exercise of the profession of translator. Read on here.

Writing the Future in Indigenous Languages. Link.
Meeting of the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee 2019. 

PEN International’s 2019 Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) meeting held in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico was themed “Writing the Future in Indigenous Languages” and run from 2-4 May.
Over the course of the meeting more than 50 writers, journalists, translators, activists and editors from across four continents met to participate in debates, literary readings and activities related to linguistic rights in the world; fostering a cultural and literary exchange between PEN’s members and the community of writers from several Mayan languages.

International PENs erklæring om oversættelse - Dansk PEN erklæring om oversættelse. Link.
1. Litterær oversættelse er en kunst og en lidenskab. Ved at fremme åbenhed, arbejde for fred og frihed og imod uretfærdighed, intolerance og censur indbyder den litterære oversættelse til dialog med verden.
2. De forskellige kulturer i verden er ikke ligestillede, hvad litterær oversættelse angår. Inden for nogle kulturer kan man i høj grad lade lysten drive værket, mens oversættelse inden for andre kulturer grundlæggende er et spørgsmål om forpligtelse. Oversættelse er afgørende for at værne om sprog og kulturer.
3. Med behørig respekt for forfattere og kildetekster er oversætterne ikke desto mindre selvstændigt skabende. Målet er ikke blot at reproducere et litterært værk, men at bevæge det fremad og udbrede dets eksistens i verden. Oversættere er ikke kun formidlere: Selvom de taler på vegne af andre, er deres stemme også deres egen. I særdeleshed agerer oversætterne til fordel for kulturel mangfoldighed ved at forblive loyale mod marginaliserede forfattere, litterære stilarter og sociale grupper.
4. Oversætternes rettigheder skal beskyttes. Myndigheder, forlæggere, medier og arbejdsgivere må alle respektere oversætternes opgave og virke, sørge for at kreditere dem og sikre dem en rimelig løn og anstændige arbejdsvilkår, uanset hvilket trykt eller digitalt medier det drejer sig om.
5. Oversætternes ytringsfrihed og fysiske sikkerhed skal til enhver tid kunne garanteres.
6. Som kreativt skrivende med en særlig kunnen og viden har oversætterne krav på respekt og på at blive konsulteret i forbindelse med alle spørgsmål, der har relation til deres arbejde. Oversættelser tilhører dem, der har skabt dem.

PEN Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee - TLRC

FIT Links

FIT Prizes 2011

FIT Prizes on twitter 2011!fitprizes

FIT on youtube 2011
Pierre-Francois Caille medal (Liese Katschinka)

More FIT on youtube (Azerbaijan)

6th Asian Translators Forum part 2

6th Asian Translators Forum part 3

FIT Aurora Borealis 2011

FIT Best Periodical 2011

FIT Astrid Lindgren Prize 2011

FIT Karel Capek 2011
FIT at Council Meeting in Buenos Aires Argentina - Marion Boers 
Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen, FIT/ITI-event 2012 filmed by Levent Yildizgoren 
FIT/ ITI Events filmed by Levent Yildizgoren
FIT Europe Event,  28.4.2012 filmed by Levent Yildizgoren, Heathrow Sheraton
FIT Copyright Conference in Paris. November 2003. FIT 50 Years >
FIT Europe/Translating Europe Workshop “Translating and Interpreting in Crisis Settings, Athen juni 2019
FIT Continuous professional development (CPD). Information about the history and aims of the project can be found on the FIT Europe website at
FIT Europe privacy email
European Ombudsman’s consultation on the use of languages in the EU institutions. Report:



  1. Declaration of Quebec, Quebec 13.10.2015, based on:
    • The Berne Convention on the protection of literary and artistic work
    • The Universal Copyright Convention
    • The recommendation on legal protection for translators and translation


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