
Viser opslag fra juni, 2023

PEN America Manifesto on Translation: A call for change to counter historic racial and gender inequities in the 21st century

  New PEN America Manifesto on Translation: A call for change to counter historic racial and gender inequities in the 21st century May 1, 2023 Press release   PEN America Translation Committee, 2023 Manifesto on Translation This blog   "A Bold Vision for the Future of Literary Translation Starts with a Publishing Industry-wide Recognition of Translation as a Creative Art". "(NEW YORK)– Literary translation is a creative art form that connects cultures across borders and languages with the unique potential to illuminate the effects of globalization and to impact injustices and power disparities worldwide, according to a new “ manifesto ” issued by PEN America’s Translation Committee". "In 1970, the P.E.N. American Center, as PEN America was known at the time, hosted the first international conference on literary translation held in the United States. In preparation for that event, the Translation Committee adopted a manifesto that included a Translator’s Bill of...

Kurdish Linguistic Rights in the Courtroom Report 2023

  KURDISH LINGUISTIC RIGHTS IN THE COURTROOM 2023 The 2023 Kurdish Linguistic Rights in the Courtroom Report, courtesy of PEN Norway, explores the standard of provision of Kurdish-Turkish interpretation services within Turkey’s courtrooms. The discrimination and frustrations faced by these defendants, as highlighted in this survey, are a clear violation of linguistic rights, and reflect the vital need for reform within the judicial system. PEN Norway: KURDISH LINGUISTIC RIGHTS IN THE COURTROOM 2023 A survey-based report to determine the standard of provision of Kurdish-Turkish interpretation services in Turkey's courtrooms and to guage the experiences of defendants wishing to give evidence, statements or defence in their own  language.  2023 ©PEN Norveç, Aralık 2022 This report is produced by PEN Norway. PEN Norway is an independent and non-profit membership organisation based in Oslo and dedicated to defending freedom of expression and supporting writers  at risk an...

FIT and CEATL sign the Barcelona manifesto

  CEATL and FIT sign the Barcelona Manifesto 6 Jun, 2023 Last 21 April, as part of a week-long celebration of Sant Jordi Day and International Book Day, the Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia ( APTIC )  and the Association of Writers in Catalan Language ( AELC ) were happy to invite the International Federation of Translators ( FIT ) and the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations ( CEATL )    which were holding their Board meetings in Barcelona, to a joint event at the Gabriel García Márquez Library in collaboration with the Institute of Culture of Barcelona and the Barcelona UNESCO City of Literature Office.   The Manifesto was signed by Shaun Whiteside, of CEATL, and Alison Lucre Rodríguez, of FIT. The event, named “This Sant Jordi Day, Don’t Forget to Name the Translator”, was a unique opportunity for these organisations to meet for the first time in the Catalan capital city, and an occasion for FIT and CEATL...

Rigsfællesskabets sprog i Folketinget - The languages of the Danish Realm

  I Dansk PEN støtter vi ideen om at Rigsfællesskabets sprog, grønlandsk, færøsk og dansk, kan anvendes ligeværdigt i Folketinget. Det er derfor også rart at se, at Folketingets Præsidium tilsyneladende har en pragmatisk tilgang til spørgsmålet, med rygstød i statsministerens udtalelser. Tolkning i dag bør ikke være noget problem. Det er en ekstra udgift, ja. Sproglig mangfoldighed koster, ligesom demokratiet, retssamfundet, sundhedsvæsenet, uddannelsessystemet. Det er ikke noget særegent for tolkning. Vi betaler jo også for tolkning i EU. Ligeværd, også sprogligt ligeværd, er en del af demokratiets fundament. I årevis har vi haft Den Nordiske Sprogkonvention, der giver nordiske statsborgere fortrinsstilling til at anvende deres eget sprog.  ”I henhold til kgl. resolution af 17. december 1986 har Danmark ratificeret den i Svaneke den 17. juni 1981 af Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige undertegnede konvention om nordiske statsborgeres ret til at anvende deres eget spro...