Language status and challenges in Denmark 2021 - TLRC Annual Meeting 2021

The situation today in Denmark is that the English language is very dominating in the Danish education system and in society at large, and maybe will be even more dominating in future because of general language use at workspaces, in the media, etc. That other languages spoken in Denmark to a large extent suffer from general recognition. We saw one example of that on the threshold of the Covid-19 pandemy, where Danish authorities hesitated to communicate relevant information in other languages than Danish and English. That translation between lesser spoken languages should be expanded, which will be one way to brake the dominant position of English. Therefore, the working guidelines for Danish PEN in this area will be: We work to strengthen other languages than English in the Danish education system We work to strengthen the recognition and status of other languages than English in Danish society We work to promote more translations from other languages and betwee...