
Viser opslag fra juni, 2021

Language status and challenges in Denmark 2021 - TLRC Annual Meeting 2021

  The situation today in Denmark is that the English language is very dominating in the Danish education system and in society at large, and maybe will be even more dominating in future because of general language use at workspaces, in the media, etc.   That other languages spoken in Denmark to a large extent suffer from general recognition. We saw one example of that on the threshold of the Covid-19 pandemy, where Danish authorities hesitated to communicate relevant information in other languages than Danish and English.   That translation between lesser spoken languages should be expanded, which will be one way to brake the dominant position of English. Therefore, the working guidelines for Danish PEN in this area will be: We work to strengthen other languages than English in the Danish education system We work to strengthen the recognition and status of other languages than English in Danish society We work to promote more translations from other languages and betwee...

Åbning af International PENs arkiver - Int. PEN 100 år - jubilæumsbog

    International PEN fylder 100 år, og i den anledning har Int. PEN åbnet et digitalt arkiv samt udgivet en bog om Int. PENs historie. Åbningen af arkivet, og lanceringen af  bogen, blev markeret med et webinar den 17/6-2021. Introduktion til arrangementet kan ses her /.  Webinarer blev optaget og lagt i Int. PENs Facebookgruppe. Det kan streames her /. Linket til selve arkivet er her /. En fransksproget version af webinaret vil blive lagt på Int. PENs Youtube-kanal, her /. En forhåndstilkendegivelse om interesse for at købe bogen kan foretages her /. 'PEN International - An Illustrated History', edited by Carles Torner and Jan Martens".

Unlocking the history of PEN International - 100 years

  International PEN 100 We are thrilled to announce that on June16 we will launch our first ever digital Archives Collection. Developed as part of PEN International’s #Centenary celebrations, “Unlocking the History of PEN International” is a digital platform which showcases our history and milestones since 1921. Do not miss our inauguration on June 16, 6pm UK time. Register for free. #PENExhibition #Centenary #IAW2021 Are you interested in learning about our work and that of PEN Centres over the last 100 years? If so, join the inauguration of our exhibition “Unlocking the History of PEN International” on June 16 at 6pm UK time. In conversation with Jennifer Clement, president of PEN International, Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, vice-president of PEN International, Philippe Sands, President of English PEN, Ayad Akhtar, President of PEN America, Carles Torner, Centenary director, Ginevra Avalle, curator of the Exhibition and other speakers. #PENExhibition #Centenary #IAW2021 . Register her...

Uganda PEN

  Today I went to meet Beatrice Lamwaka, who is a member of Uganda PEN. Since I am a member of Danish PEN, we are both members of the same international organization, International PEN. Beatrice herself is a teacher of the English language and literature. She holds a degree in education and human rights from Makerere University .  Beatrice also does editing, counselling, general workshops, etc. Workshops on critical writing Beatrice told me, that Uganda PEN is engaged in projects concerning Writers in Prison. The activists of PEN Uganda simply go to prisons and invite the inmates to write. This is a big success, and PEN Uganda even publishes books with the writings of inmates. Of course, funding is always an issue, but PEN Uganda from time to time receives modest amounts from PEN International. PEN Uganda also works with PEN America. Beatrice, her son and myself Workshops for displaced persons There are many refugees from other countries in Uganda, many of whom are writers...