PEN og FIT om sproglige rettigheder
FIT, the International Federation of Translators, og International PEN “The International Federation of Translators (FIT) unites over 130 professional associations, training institutes and research centres worldwide, thus representing more than 85,000 translators, terminologists and interpreters in some 55 countries. On the basis of this strong position, FIT is able to play a significant role in the translation, terminology and interpreting sector and, beyond that, in society as a whole”. FIT samarbejder med international PEN, Red-T , AIIC, WASLI, Critical Link, IAPTI og andre organisationer for sprogprofessionelle i en global alliance for at forsvare sprogprofessionelles rettigheder. Her er de centrale sprogpolitiske erklæringer fra international PEN og FIT. Der er mange andre fra andre organisationer. The Que...