
Viser opslag fra juli, 2021

Introducing Mr. Olatubuson David, a member of Nigeria Centre of PEN

  After the online annual meeting of TLRC, the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee of International PEN, held in June 2021, Mr. Olatubuson David - David - reached out to me online.  We agreed that I make a remote interview with David.  PEN Nigeria PEN Nigeria is an affiliate of PEN International (International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists). About David David is 40 years old. He lives in   Nigeria  at the location Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. David speaks Ekiti, Yoruba and English languages. He has a Higher National Diploma (HND). David works as an Office Manager in Achievers Universiti, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria.  Olatubosun David(Apata Olatubosun David):  A Playwright, a Poet,  A child of God.   Twitter: @DavidOlatubosun,  Instagram: @OlatubosunDavid,  link /. Facebook link  here /. David, could you unfold a bit please: What is Achievers University, and exactly what do you do? Da...

Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights

  Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights TITLE ONE: General Principles Article 7. 1. All languages are the expression of a collective identity and of a distinct way of perceiving and describing reality and must therefore be able to enjoy the conditions required for their develop[1]ment in all functions. 2. Isidor Marí, chair of the Scientific Council of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights, will share about the drafting process and the evolution of the past 25 years Please see the UDLR here /.

I nøden skal man kende sin PEN - Kommentar til debatindlæg i Weekendavisen den 29/30. juni 2021

      Skrivebordsengagement   Infomedia -  Debatindlægget som bragt i Weekendavisen den 6. august 2021    https://genbib.dk/ting/object/infomedia/39505436 Jørgen Chr. Wind Nielsen, medlem af PENs bestyrelse, Gentofte. 6. august 2021 -  Weekendavisen   For mig som ny og aktiv i Dansk PEN er det interessant, hvordan Weekendavisen vinkler en artikel: skrivebords-engagement, manglende anerkendelse, uddateret. Artiklen er bragt i WA #25. Men PEN er ikke udelukkende en litterær organisation. PEN arbejder også med journalistik, sprog, sociale medier, billeder. I høj grad samfunds- og kulturanliggender. En god opfølgning på artiklen vil være en omtale af 100-års jubilæumsbogen, når den udkommer. Denne sætning overrasker mig: »Historien om Dansk PEN viser, hvorfor det også er vanskeligt at undgå (at være politisk) i dag.« For mig er PEN helt klart en politisk organisation. Jeg blev også overrasket over billedteksten: »Allerede i den østrigske forfatte...